Projector Reviews

Projectors at InfoComm 2014 – A Follow-up Report

In these pages, I will debrief about InfoComm 2014, a primarily business/education trade show in Las Vegas where several major projector and accessory manufacturers introduced new products in business and education, as well as in the home theater space.  -art

Overview of InfoComm 2014

I had meetings with about a dozen manufacturers, spoke with others as well as some screen and accessory companies.

I’ll just touch on what I saw, company by company. The goal is to point out some of the interesting things I saw, not to prove a comprehensive list of everything that was new.

List of Manufacturers

So, for each manufacturer listed here (alphabetically), I’m likely to mention one or two products, or entire families or projectors, with the reason that they might be of interest. Click on the brand name below to read about products Art saw at InfoComm.

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