Projector Reviews

DLP vs. LCD vs. LCoS Technologies: Part 1 Video

This video briefly compares DLP, LCD and LCoS technology.

DLP vs. LCD vs. LCoS Technologies: Part 1

In part one of our 3-part video series, we compare the three major projector technologies, DLP, LCD and LCoS. This first video takes a practical look at some of the key differences between the various types of home theater projectors. The later videos will go into more depth.

Visit part 2 and part 3 (coming soon) of this video series.


This video was directed and scripted by Lisa Feierman, and features Art Feierman, editor of It was created in October 2013.

Videos that are part of the Projector Reviews TV channel are created by Projector Reviews Inc. Of course, we can only do a limited number of these videos. In some cases, we will choose a topic to make a video of. In other cases, a request may come from a manufacturer or other industry organization. As we do with the rest of the content on our website, we offer Permissions. With these paid Permissions, manufacturers and other industry professionals are permitted to post these videos on their own websites, pass them out to their dealers, and use them for other promotional purposes including trade shows and point-of-sale displays in retail stores.

We try to make the videos fun, a bit less dry, with less technical detail than you might find in a written article on this site. Enjoy, but also check out the rest of our site for more information. Thanks! -art