Projector Reviews

Sharp XV-Z20000 1080p Home Theater Projector Review – Image Quality1

By comparison, the image above, is the same frame, from the RS-1. As you can see, the star visibility between the two is almost identical. (Ignore color balance differences – not relevant for images I shoot for black level and shadow details.) Obviously, I cropped these two differently. You can, of course, click on the images for larger versions. The first of the two “satellite” images below, from Space Cowboys (hi-def), is the Sharp, the second one is the Sony Pearl. The exposures are slightly different, but close. I would call the sky just a touch inkier black on the Sharp, even though the Sony is a touch underexposed by comparison. (And, the Sony, is very, very, good!)


Now to my favorite, the cavern image from Phantom of the Opera:

I’ll try to get the comparisons “out of my system” so first is the XV-Z20000, followed by the JVC DLA-RS1, and lastly one of the lower cost 1080p DLP projectors, the Optoma HD81.

In each case, clicking on the image will bring up a larger image, and one that is seriously overexposed, to bring out the shadow details.


OK, another comparison set. This from Lord of the Rings. Again, clicking on each image, brings up a larger, and overexposed version so you can see how well each projector did in the dark areas on the right side (the shed) and along the bottom.
