Projector Reviews

Will the Laser TV Market Continue to Grow?

By Diane Jones

Hisense believes it will!

In an article released this week, Hisense announced that they have seen a 325% increase in sales of their Laser TV in 2020. So whether buyers are switching from traditional front projection systems or opting to buy a Laser TV instead of a large flat panel, the trend is still notable.

So why are Laser TVs getting so much attention? There are several reasons, such as:

Larger Picture For A More Immersive Experience

The most popular TV screen sizes have steadily grown over the last decade or so. Screens measuring 65 inches diagonally have become the most popular size in North America, and 75-inchers will soon replace them if recent pricing trends continue. Meanwhile, 50-inch sets—once considered huge—are now being relegated to bedrooms.

Whether you are projecting onto a wall or (preferably) a screen, Laser TVs easily deliver a much larger picture than most flat-panel TVs.

Why measure your TV in inches when you can measure it in feet. Nothing compares to watching live sports, view a blockbuster movie or playing a video game on a 10 foot diagonal screen. 

The larger the picture, the more engaging the content will be. You feel much more like you are truly there when your entire field of vision is being exposed to the content you are watching.

Better Picture Quality

Many Laser TVs include or can be paired with an ambient light rejecting screen that allows use during the day and in rooms with higher ambient light.

Laser light source can deliver a bright vibrant image and when paired with the right screen, the picture quality is as good if not better than many traditional TVs.

For example, there are already Laser TVs on the market today like the Samsung LSP9T that can reproduce the full BT2020 gamut, while LED TVs are still only capable of displaying 60% of that range.

The Hisense 100L9 Laser TV which is equipped with their TriChroma laser light source which can repoduce an incredibly wide color gamut as well will be launched in the US and Europe this August.

Easier Set-Up Than A Massive Flat-Panel

In general, because of the small size of the Laser TV projector, getting a Laser TV, even if you pair it with a screen, up a flight of stairs or into any space is a much easier proposition than trying to maneuver a huge TV box into a room. Laser TVs are easy to install, easy to move while offering an excellent picture that is much larger than a traditional flat-panel TV.

Cost Savings (More Inches For Less)

A Laser TV uses less power than a traditional large screen LED TV, saving on both energy consumption and costs. Also, while very large flat panels have become more affordable, a 100-inch Laser TV is still significantly less expensive than a 100-inch LED TV. In addition, as more and more companies enter this market, the prices are becoming even more competitive.

Major Players Are Introducing Models

Laser TVs offer all the smart features found on modern TVs, along with better built-in sound systems.  Due to their Laser light sources, they can provide years of worry-free operation just like a flat-panel TV.  So it is easy to see why several major TV and Projector manufacturers like LG, Samsung, Hisense, Epson, and Optoma (to name a few) have entered the Laser TV market.

Due to the growing popularity of Laser TVs, in our recently released Home Theater Report, we dedicate an entire section to Laser TVs, because, like Hisense, we see this growing trend only going up in the future.

Enjoy the show!